Home School Leagues
Homeschool Families: Join Us on the lanes for Math, Socializing, Team Building and NYS PE Credit!!
Maple Lanes Coram Country is offering homeschool families an exclusive opportunity to join a homeschool bowling league. It is cost effective and offers once a week opportunity to compete among other homeschoolers, with the potential to gain league sanction to go on to compete in tournaments in the area among other youth bowlers.
Bowl For FUN • Bowl For Competition • Bowl For Fitness • Bowl For Camaraderie
L.E.A.H. Homeschool Youth League | Thursdays | Starting September 6th
- Fall/Winter Season: 1:30 pm
Hey, kids jump in on the FUN!!
Bowl with your friends and make new friends too!!
For more information on our youth programs please visit out current Leagues and Programs page